Accelerated Masters Program
Five Year B.S./M.S. Degree
The Chemistry and Biochemistry program offers the opportunity for students to participate in an accelerated curriculum that leads to both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in either Chemistry or Biochemistry. This curriculum follows the normal Bachelor of Science degree for three years but adds typically two (but up to four) graduate-level courses during the fourth year that are also applied to the subsequent Master of Science program. The fifth year then includes the remaining graduate courses to bring the total to five, research credits and the Master’s Thesis. Students will generally apply to the Graduate College during the third year for official admission to the Master of Science program immediately following completion of Bachelor of Science requirements. Admission to this program must precede enrollment in graduate courses.
Complete the Five Year B.S./M.S. Application. Both a description of the research project and a projected plan of study must be included with the application.
Application Deadline: April 30th
Decision Date: May 15th pending application review and interview
Students must have completed a minimum of 75 undergraduate credit hours at the time of application; a minimum of 90 undergraduate credit hours will be required at the time of entry into the program. Typically, this unit requirement means that students will be in their third year at the time of application. Exceptions can be made for fourth year students, depending on progress to the degree.
Students are generally expected to complete the undergraduate degree within four years. The undergraduate degree requirements must be completed before the student is eligible to have the Master of Science degree awarded. Therefore, students shall have completed or nearly completed the general education requirements before application.
Students must be a continuing UA student progressing toward a Bachelor of Science degree. At least 12 earned undergraduate credits must have been completed at the University of Arizona’s main campus in the major listed above. Units still graded Incomplete, units graded Pass/Fail or units taken as audit will not count toward the requirement of the 12 undergraduate units.
Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 (NO EXCEPTIONS) for Biochemistry and 3.3 for Chemistry. If the GPA falls below the requirement at the time 90 units are completed, the student will not be admitted into the program. Courses taken for audit may not be included in the total number of units counted for eligibility or admission.
Students must have a minimum of one semester of research experience and have demonstrated research productivity.
- Students must have a thesis advisor who is a primary CBC faculty member, so students should engage in undergraduate research with CBC faculty.
1. Graded coursework constitutes 15 units of the Master of Science degree. A plan of study must be approved by the GPC. Suggested core courses of study for the respective areas are:
Analytical: Choose three courses from CHEM 522, 523, 525, 526b, 527 or 529
Biochemistry: BIOC 565, 568 and one other course by approval
Inorganic: CHEM 510, 514 and one other course by approval
Organic: CHEM 550, 541 and 545
Physical: CHEM 580, 581 and 582
2. Up to 15 units of the Master of Science degree may be in thesis research, group meeting, seminar, etc.
Students will be considered undergraduates until they complete their undergraduate requirements, which typically should be no later than the end of the fourth year.
Students entering with Advanced Placement Credit and/or who attend summer school may complete their Bachelor of Science degree in the junior year.
During years 1-3 (or approximately 0-90 credits) students will be taking undergraduate coursework and charged at the undergraduate rate.
Once admitted to program, during the senior (or transition year), students may take up to 12 units of graduate coursework, which may apply toward both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science degrees. Students will be charged at the undergraduate rate and retain eligibility for undergraduate scholarships.
Students classified as seniors who have not yet completed a Bachelor of Science degree may enroll in 500-level courses following the Graduate Credit for Seniors Policy. Courses numbered at the 600, 700 and 900 levels are not open to undergraduates.
After completion of all Bachelor of Science requirements, students will be granted graduate status, be charged at the graduate rate, and be eligible for graduate assistantships. The student won’t be eligible to graduate nor will they be eligible for assistantships until all Bachelor of Science requirements are completed. While an undergraduate, students are required to keep their graduate coursework cumulative GPA at 3.0, or higher if required by the graduate degree offering unit, to be admitted to the Master of Science program.
Should students have completed 12 graduate credits, but not yet completed the undergraduate degree, they will be considered graduate for financial aid and tuition purposes and coded as ‘graduate’ in UAccess. Such students will no longer be eligible for undergraduate scholarships, nor will they be eligible for graduate assistantships.
At least 12 graduate credits must be taken while in graduate status, after completing all degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.
Students should be encouraged to complete their undergraduate requirements as soon as possible, but not later than one semester before receiving their Master of Science degree. Students finishing their undergraduate requirements later than one semester before receiving their Master of Science degree will no longer be eligible for undergraduate scholarships, nor will they be eligible for graduate assistantships. Neither degree will be awarded until the undergraduate requirements are completed along with the Master of Science requirements.