All students planning to graduate must file for degree candidacy and initiate the formal degree check process prior to receiving their diploma. You must apply and meet with your advisor in order to graduate.
It is strongly recommended that you file for candidacy and have your degree check done the semester prior to your expected graduation, after you have finalized your course enrollment for that term. This way, if there are any problems with meeting graduation requirements, they can be caught early.
Please note that the priority deadline for applying for graduation is February 1 for Spring and Summer semesters and September 1 for Fall and Winter semesters. Applications will be accepted after this date, but you will be charged a late fee. In order to have your name printed in the UA commencement booklet, you must file for candidacy by the end of March if you plan to graduate in May or August; or by the end of October if you plan to graduate in December.
To file for degree candidacy:
1. Submit the Application for Graduation on your To Do List in UAccess. The Registrar's Office has a tutorial found here. You will be charged a graduation fee. Please note you must apply for graduation for each degree if you are completing dual degrees.
2. Schedule an appointment with an advisor and select "degree check" as the reason for the appointment. Your advisor will fill out the Degree Audit Worksheet. If you have any second majors, minors, or are graduating with Honors, you must take the sheet to each advisor for a signature. One DAW must be completed per degree you are earning.
3. Bring the sheet back to your CBC advisor for the final College approval and to file the papers with Graduation Services if you require multiple signatures.
5. You may be emailed a pdf scan of these documents for your records (if you desire).
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry cares very much about the experience of its students. Feedback during exit interviews is often used to initiate improvements within the program. Each fall and spring term, graduating seniors are invited to attend an exit interview with faculty and staff to celebrate their accomplishments and discuss ways the program can be improved. Day/Time/Location of this event is TBA each term.
Even if you are unable to attend the exit interview luncheon, you still can provide valuable feedback about the program. The CBC advisor will provide you with a link to complete the survey if you are unable to attend.
You are invited to attend the CBC Convocation, Awards and Recognition Ceremony, college, or UArizona commencement events.
Employment opportunities for BA/BS graduates are generally in private industry, government, and education. Fortunately, the applicability of a background in Chemistry or Biochemistry is vast, resulting in myriad fields in which one may work.
We hope that you have enjoyed your experience with University of Arizona Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and that you want to stay in touch with us after graduation! Being part of the alumni network has several benefits both to you and to us. Among others:
- You stay connected to alumni, staff, and faculty who can connect you with job and career opportunities
- You learn about events to reunite with your former classmates
- You receive the CBC Alumni Newsletter which keeps you up to date on happenings within the Department and provides opportunities to give back to the Department in various ways (information, mentoring, professional connections, funding, etc.)
- You help us to continually assess our program and make improvements
- Please use the | Alumni and Friends | link to update your mailing and email addresses.
If you are on Facebook, request to join the CBC Alumni group by going to facebook.com and looking for AZ Chemistry and Biochemistry Alumni.