Congratulations to Tasmia Ahmed, selected as the '22 David F. O’Brien Graduate Fellow

Congratulations Tasmia Ahmed on being selected as 2022 David F. O’Brien Graduate Fellow!
One can only imagine that even greater achievements are on the horizon. Here's some insight into Tasmia's background:
"I grew up in Bangladesh and came to University of Arizona for my PhD studies in 2019. I have completed my Bachelors degree in Pharmacy and Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology from The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently I am a 4th year graduate student in Dr. Nam Lee’s lab. The amazing scientific innovations and developments in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology along with the collaborative scientific environment has made UA a perfect fit for my graduate training.
It is truly an honor to be selected as the David F. O’Brien Fellow for 2022-2023. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for this fellowship which will allow me to attend the prestigious Gordon Research Conference. This will definitely enrich my graduate training experience with having broader exposure to the scientific community and will help me to learn the cutting-edge research and network with the leading experts in the field. This award has surely given my efforts a recognition and made it more rewarding.
I have always taken a sincere interest in molecular biology and protein biochemistry and that’s where my research currently focuses on. My projects primarily aim receptor tyrosine kinase and TGFβ signaling in endothelial cell behavior, more specifically in angiogenesis or in blood vessel formation. Angiogenesis is critically involved in various vascular disorders such as cancer and metastasis, cardiac vasculopathies such as atherosclerosis and diabetes. Through my research I am trying to decipher molecular understanding of some novel protein interactions and signaling cross talks important for angiogenesis and their roles in defective angiogenic disorders.
I am enjoying my graduate training in UA by far and in an effort to contribute back to the community and to the department I have recently joined PAWs (Program to Advance Women Scientists) as well as the CBC graduate council. By getting awarded as the winner of the David F. O’Brien Fellowship I definitely feel more encouraged and responsible to work harder for the CBC department and for the community.
I passionately look forward to my rest of the Ph.D. journey in The University of Arizona and this fellowship will be invaluable in achieving my long-term goal to become a translational researcher."