Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR Facility)
An interdisciplinary NMR spectroscopy research facility for structural elucidation and study of conformation and dynamics of organic compounds, peptides, oligonucleotides and other small biopolymers.
Training, experimental design and/or sample service.

Visit Us!
Chemistry and the Commons, Room 118
Monday thru Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(24/7 Access for Trained Users)

Instruments are available on a fee-for-service basis for assisted or unassisted use to all University of Arizona research groups and external customers. Four high-resolution spectrometers, Bruker DRX-600, Avance NEO-500, DRX-500 and Avance III 400, equipped with SampleJet autosamplers are available for analysis of a broad range of nuclei.
Sample service and NMR data analysis by experienced NMR spectroscopists are available for customer sample submission. License for NMR processing software is provided free of charge for users from University of Arizona or UA affiliated external users.

CBC NMR facility offers sample service for large lower-division chemistry labs, as well as hands-on use for upper-division undergraduate and graduate lab classes. We have two courses in NMR spectroscopy (CHEM 447 and 545) and a Summer NMR Workshop.
Facility staff perform demonstrations and host training sessions on a regular basis. The facility supports users from many disciplines across campus.
Facility Publications
Use the EPR Facility RRID!
University of Arizona - UA CBC Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility, RRID:SCR_012716
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