Biochemistry Major Shares Their Research Experience in Denmark: Erin Schuette

Erin Schuette’s research experience at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark this summer, Thanks to BRAVO.
"Hello all! My name is Erin Schuette, and I am an incoming junior majoring in Biochemistry, with minors in Health and Human Values and Biology. This summer, I participated in the Biology Research Abroad: Vistas Open! BRAVO! through the Undergraduate Biology Research Program, which allowed me to work on a collaborative research project between the Jared Churko Lab at the University of Arizona and the Ochala Group at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
My work focused on studying ATP metabolism and myosin protein behavior in stem cell derived-cardiomyocyte cell lines with various sarcomeric protein knockouts.
When I wasn’t in the lab, I enjoyed bike rides around Copenhagen (one of the most bikeable cities in the world) and trying as many new pastries as possible. On the weekends, I was fortunate to meet up with some fellow wildcats abroad and travel to several new countries, including the Netherlands, Czech Republic, England, Sweden, Germany, and Switzerland! I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience many new cultures and collaborate with international scientists, and I look forward to bringing my newfound skills back to Tucson."