Jeffrey Pyun*
Accepting Students

Chemical Sciences Building, Room 216
Preferred Method of Contact: Email
Degrees and Appointments
- B.A. 1997, Northwestern University
- Ph.D. 2002, Carnegie Mellon University
- Postdoctoral Fellow 2002-2004, IBM Almaden Research Center / UC Berkeley
- Professor, UArizona, Chemistry & Biochemistry since 2004
- Professor (joint) UArizona, College of Optical Sciences since 2022
Specialties: Energy Science, Materials and Polymer Chemistry, Surface and Solid State, Synthesis/Synthetic Methods Development
Research Description
Research Focus Areas: Our research program is focused on the new synthetic polymer chemistry and development of advanced polymeric materials and nanocomposites. The Pyun group is an international renown group for developments in organic/inorganic hybrid polymers and materials for wide range of applications in photonics, energy, sustainability and defense. Read More.