Marie-Pierre Hasne

Assistant Professor of Practice
Liaison with the College of Medicine-Tucson

Preferred Method of Contact: Email

Degrees and Appointments

  • Pharm. D. Faculty of Pharmacy, Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France, 1989- 1997
  • D.E.A in Host-Parasites Interaction, University Paris XII, France, 1996- 1997
  • Ph.D. in Biochemical Parasitology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1998-2001
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon USA, 2001 to 2010
  • Research Assistant Professor, Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon, USA, 2010 to 2017
  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, Art and Critical Thought, European Graduate School, Switzerland, 2013-2017

Specialties: Chemistry & Biochemistry Education, Metabolism, Signaling, and Regulation, Protein and Membrane Biochemistry

Research and Education Activities 

Scholarly Activities
I teach metabolic biochemistry and nutrition. In my classes, I describe the classical features of metabolic pathways and their modes of regulation. I also emphasize the connections between metabolic pathways and I show how they tie to immunity, cell signaling, nutrition or disease. I present these pathways as intricate tapestries, or complex systems, that are fully integrated and able to regulate themselves.