Dr. Jani Ingram is the 2019 College of Science Alumna of the Year

Congratulations to CBC alumna Jani Ingram, who has been selected as the 2019 College of Science Alumna of the Year. Dr. Ingram earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1990 under the mentorship of Dr. Jeanne Pemberton. Currently she is a Professor of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.
Dr. Ingram will be honored at the UA Alumni of the Year Awards Ceremony to be held on Thursday afternoon, October 31, 2019 from 2:00-5:00 pm. While the public is welcome to attend the ceremony, tickets cost $25 each and must be purchased in advance through the link above.
While Dr. Ingram is here in Tucson, she will present a CBC seminar entitled "Environmental Health Studies on the Navajo Nation" on Friday, November 1 at 3 pm in Koffler 218. A reception will follow in the Chemistry Courtyard. The seminar is free and open to the public.