CBC Staff of the Month Recipient for October: Valerie McClure

Congratulations to CBC HR Generalist Valerie McClure for earning Staff of the Month in October! Valerie was nominated by Olivia Mendoza, who had this to say:
"I could sense that Valerie McClure was going to be a great asset to the department. I am sure being in Human Resources can be challenging with so many employees within the department, including student hires.
"Valerie is the type of person that I am comfortable with asking questions no matter how inconsequential they are, and she answers promptly. She is a person who is not judgmental and very compassionate with those that she works with. Valerie is quick to respond to emails and provides HR information to answer questions to serve the employees. She always has a smile on her face, she is approachable and friendly.
"When the advising office was beginning to move to the newly renovated Chemistry and Commons building, Valerie was helpful in volunteering to bring boxes to our new area. I thought that was commendable, knowing that she has a busy schedule.
"Valerie also offered her services to assist at the CBC Annual Convocation and Awards Program, May 11, 2023. She was assigned to manage the flow of the students who were called on stage for an award or were graduating. It was great to have her help, we always need staff to assist at CBC events. She even was an ice scooper for the 2023 CBC Welcome Event.
"Recently, we had to troubleshoot together about a situation on time approving CHEM 195A Learning Assistant, she was persistent, and we finally found out what the problem was, and it is now corrected. In the meantime, Valerie had to approve the time for the Learning Assistant on my behalf. Please consider her for staff of the month."