CBC Celebrates Women's History Month - Emily Dykstra

March 28, 2023
Emily Dykstra

In celebration of National Women’s History Month, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is placing the spotlight on a few of our most dedicated and serving faculty, staff members, and graduate students, who operate behind the scenes in a multitude of roles for CBC.

Today we present Emily Dykstra. Emily has a long history with the University of Arizona. She completed her B.S. and M.S. in the Department of Biochemistry in 2002 and 2004. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Teaching, Language and Sociocultural Studies at UArizona.

Emily is also the Assistant Director for the Introductory Biology Laboratory Course (MCB 181L) on campus, a position that allows her to combine her passions for science, education, and undergraduate students.

See more highlights here!