The Victor P. Thalacker Chemistry Graduate Fellowship was established by the Thalacker family to recognize the importance of the University of Arizona and the Department of Chemistry on Victor's career success. Victor obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry, under the direction of Prof. Robert B. Bates, from the University of Arizona in 1968. He then spent 35 years at 3M Company in a variety of chemistry, engineering, and management positions.
Since his retirement, Victor has committed his energies to a variety of community activities including Habitat for Humanity, and the development of safe water supplies for communities in Tanzania. Victor and his wife, Connie, feel strongly about the value of education and the importance of chemistry in the life of human kind. They wish to encourage, through this fellowship, leading students in their pursuit of advanced degrees in Chemistry at the University of Arizona. The entire Thalacker family recognizes the importance of fellowship and community involvement in personal success and would like to encourage the continuation of these ideals in future citizens of the United States.
Annual Award:
It is preferred that the fellowship be given to one individual per year. However, if the selection committee deems it appropriate, the fellowship dollars may be split equally to award more than one fellowship in a given year. The fellowship can only be awarded to an individual once and is non-renewable to a previous recipient.
Use of Fellowship Award:
The Dr. Victor P. Thalacker Fellowship recipient(s) may choose to use the awarded fellowship funds in any manner deemed appropriate to further their education including payment of tuition, books, research supplies, travel to conferences, and other related educational activities.
Eligible students for this fellowship shall be a student in good standing in the Ph.D. program in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Arizona. The student will have completed their second or third year of graduate studies in either organic or inorganic chemistry or a sub-discipline of either and have been admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The student must be either a U.S. citizen or have been granted permanent resident status of the U.S.
Applicants must submit a written statement on their career aspirations and describe the importance of their research area to the community at large along with their application form. The selection process will be established and carried out by the Graduate Program Committee with final approval by the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Head. The selection process will be in accordance with established department and university procedures.
The Graduate Program Committee of the Thalacker Fellowship shall use the following qualitative criteria during the review of the qualified candidate(s):
Fellowship and potential promise as a researcher | 70% |
Leadership activities at the University of Arizona | 20% |
Leadership activities in the local Tucson community | 10% |
Lindsey Holmen and Christopher Marshall
Katie Martin and Samantha Rokey
Jeffrey Groch
Nicholas Lauta
Jose Veleta and Holly Sofka
Clayton Curtis
Rachel Utterback
Alyssa Ellsworth and Matthew Humphries
Lindsay Guzman and David Smith
Brandon Smith
Luis R. Oquendo