Jean-Luc Brédas

Regents Professor

Preferred Method of Contact: Email

Degrees and Appointments

  • Ph.D, University of Namur, Belgium, 1979
  • B.Sc., University of Namur, Belgium 1976

Specialties: Energy Science, Materials and Polymer Chemistry, Theory, Modeling, and Simulation.

Research Group Web Page

Research Description

Harnessing Solar Energy with Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaic Cells: Organic and hybrid solar cells are currently attracting significant interest due to a number of advantageous characteristics such as material diversity, mechanical flexibility, low-temperature processing, and large-area capability. To increase the photovoltaic response of organic solar cells, our efforts aim to address a number of fundamental issues, including: optical absorption and exciton formation; exciton dissociation and charge separation; charge carrier mobility; and charge collection at the electrodes. We are also particularly interested in donor-acceptor (DA), i.e., low band gap, polymers that have recently garnered considerable use in bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells because of their wider photon absorption window. Read More