Research Seminar: "Evaluating the Structural and Electronic Properties of Truxene-based 2D Polymers"


3:30 – 5 p.m., June 27, 2023

PresenterM. Carmen Ruiz Delgado, University of Málaga, Department of Physical Chemistry, Málaga, Spain 

Abstract: The use of organic materials to design electronic devices has actually presented a broad interest because they constitute an ecological and suitable resource for our current "electronic world". These materials provide several advantages (low cost, light weight, good flexibility and solubility to be easily printed) that cannot be afforded with silicon.[1] In this context, 2D organic semiconducting polymers have emerged as an important class of materials that offer high potential for a variety of applications, such as energy storage, sensing or organic electronics.[2] However, the design of novel organic materials generally involves an expensive and environmentally unfriendly methodology that strongly contrasts with the ecological transition spirit. In this sense, computational design offers a green alternative to experimental laboratory whereas Raman spectroscopy is a fast and nondestructive characterization tool widely used to evaluate their structural and electronic properties. In this contribution, we present our most recent research in this field, related to better understand the complex structure-properties relationships of 2D polymers containing C3-symmetric truxene-based cores by using Raman spectroscopy and molecular modeling.[3]

2D Polymers

Figure 1. Examples of the truxene-based 2D polymers recently studied in our group.


[1] T. Someya, T. Sekitani, S. Iba, Y. Kato, H. Kawaguchi, T. Sakurai, PNAS, 2004, 101, 9966-9970.

[2] Xu, Y.; Jin, S.; Xu,H.; Nagai, A.; Jiang,D. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 8012-8031.

[3] a) M. Echeverri, S. Gámez-Valenzuela, R. C. González-Cano, J. Guadalupe, S. Cortijo-Campos, J. T. López Navarrete, M. Iglesias, M. C. Ruiz Delgado and B. Gómez-Lor, Chem. Mater., 2019, 31, 6971–6978; b) S. Gámez-Valenzuela, M. Echeverri, B. Gómez-Lor, Jose I. Martínez, M. C. Ruiz Delgado, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 15416-15425.

M. Carmen Ruiz Delgado Headshot

Bio Sketch: I graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2001 and obtained my PhD in 2006, both at the University of Málaga (UMA). Thanks to the award of a MEC/Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship (2007-2010), I did a postdoctoral stay at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) in the group of Prof. Jean-Luc Brédas. In 2010, I joined the UMA as a Ramón y Cajal Researcher, focusing my research field on the theoretical-experimental synergy of organic materials for the practical application and design of electronic devices. Thus, I combine theoretical calculations (postdoc expertise) with experimental physico-chemical analyses (predoc expertise) for a proper analysis of the complex structure/properties relationships of molecular materials. This highly interdisciplinary field field of research aims to guide synthetic chemists to create new molecules and materials with more efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly properties and applications.

I have participated in 15 national and international research projects, and I am the author of more than 100 scientific articles (JCR indexed) published in high impact journals. I have participated in numerous international scientific conferences, as well as given lectures at prestigious international universities. In recent years, with the aim of further deepening the search for new materials for organic electronics, I have carried out research stays at the University of Stuttgart (Germany), the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) and the Polytechnic Institute of Milan (Italy).

It is worth mentioning my involvement in tasks related to the training of young researchers, with the supervision of 6 Doctoral Theses and 10 Master's Theses, as well as my participation in the organisation of different workshops focused on promoting the dissemination of research carried out by young chemists. I have taught more tan 1800 hours of classes in different Master´s degrees and bachelor's degrees at UMA.

I frequently participate in dissemination activities aiming to make visible the scientific results to the society and/or to support the gender equlity and women´s empowerment, such as “La Noche Europea de los Investigadores” or “Female Leaders in Science”. I have extensive experience in university and scientific management. Since 2010 I act as a reviewer in the evaluation process of research projects for the ANEP, and I am currently treasurer of the GENAM Group of the RSEQ, and of the European scientific society of "Computing pi-conjugated Compounds". In addition, I have been Vice-Secretary of the Faculty of Science, and Deputy Vice-Rector for Research Staff for the last six years at the UMA.

Host: Dr. Jean-Luc Bredas


Bredas Group