This summer research exchange was my first time living out of state. I flew out to North Carolina with only a carry on and my backpack to tide me through this incredible summer. While at UNC, I was housed in a dorm apartment, and was introduced to the infamous humidity for which the south is so well known. The gorgeous scenery was always a sight to behold, and the greenery seemed to find its way into every nook and cranny. It seemed as though everywhere I went, the scenery fit the description of any old fairy tale I knew. The houses were charming, and for the first time, I saw what a firefly looked like.
I did research in the chemistry department and gave a poster presentation at the end of my time there. I was fortunate in being able to work in the Redinbo lab on a project aimed at reducing the toxicity of cancer drugs. The purpose of the program I was in is to inspire interest in the graduate programs the school has to offer. When I wasn’t in lab, I was able to maintain my hobbies of ballroom dancing and horseback riding. With the close of this whirlwind summer, I am back in Arizona to complete my senior year of undergraduate studies.